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11 Students got GATE scores more than 90% 20 Students got GRE scores more than 1400. Highest is 1523. 20 Students got TOFEL scores more than 250. Highest is 283. Our student secured National Second in Quiz Competition organized by CBIT.

Student Life:

The institute has a student oriented environment conducive to learning. Being away from the city hub nubs, the campus has a serene and calm atmosphere. Ragging is strictly prohibited in the campus. In a majority of comparable institutions of higher education, the students lead an extremely passive existence. The interaction between college and student is almost completely one-way the lecture way. This is one of the few institutes in the country where the students play a pivotal role in the day to day running of the institute. The students are the chief participants in organizing various festivals and celebrations in the institute. It is a fact that every major event in the College has been organized, handled and coordinated entirely by the student body. The truly unique features of the student responsibility in the College are demonstrated by the important part that students play in the academic functioning of the institute. With the active cooperation and encouragement of the faculty and the administration of the institute, the students work as guiding and aiding the students in the batches that are junior to them. In addition, the students are placed almost completely in charge of the facilities that are offered by the college by way of Lab and Academic committees, supervised by the faculty. The advantages of such a policy of investing responsibilities in the students a sense are many. It gives them a feel of shouldering responsibility and prepares them for their futures - to become the elite technocrats and leaders of the technology revolution Also, being placed in charge of their own academic and social life enables students to understand better the issues, challenges and compulsions that the administration and the faculty often encounter, creating an atmosphere of understanding and harmony in the institute.A qualified and experienced crew of lectures deal with Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Marketing Management and System Students are initiated in all respects to do internships in specializations. Soft skills are communication skills are given a serious thought. It is necessary to post the information for the benefit of parents and students about students' attendance and performance in Mid sessional and University examinations so that they can monitor and take necessary care to improve the situation. Sarathi wishes them to use this website for necessary information. Besides these, the sports week is scheduled for the month of March every year. Other activities include the organizing events.

Faculty-Student relationship:

Everyone who belongs to the institute, whether a student, or a member of the faculty, or the administrative staff, works in perfect tandem with the remainder, which closely binds together the entire university. Most of the faculty stays either on campus or close to it. The student faculty relationship is very congenial and it aids the proper development of the student, enabling the student to realize his/her true potential. Each student has a faculty member as his or her Academic Counselor, who not only guides them in choosing the right courses but also helps the student in overcoming any problems that he or she might face during the stay at SSIET.

Extra Curricular Activities:

For the all round development of a student, it is essential that avenues for partaking in extracurricular activities be available. It is with this view that sports, cultural and literary activities are conducted regularly to enable students to discover and hone their skills in fields that are non - academic of nature. Technical quizzes and contest are also held on a regular basis to promote excellence in technical skills among students. Events such as the Freshmen welcome and Farewell inspire students from all batches to participate, exemplifying the family spirit present in the Institute.

Cultural and Technical Activities:

For the all round development of a student, it is essential that avenues for partaking in extracurricular activities be available. It is with this view, that extracurricular activities are conducted regularly to enable students to discover and hone their skills in fields that are not academic in nature. Technical activities are also held on a regular basis to promote excellence in technical skills among the student body. These activities are completely organized by the student community. SSIET throws opens its gates to the outside world twice a year when it organizes Cultural and Technical Fests, which draw huge participation from colleges far and near. These Fests not only enable students to evaluate themselves and realize where they stand with respect to other college students, but also provide a wonderful opportunity for students of various colleges to come together and bring about a confluence of ideas and give birth to bonds of friendship that would help everyone involved in the long run. Besides these, the sports week is scheduled for the month of March every year. Other activities include the organizing of activities


Academic Research Committee:

We requested Dr. Prof. N. B. Venkateswarlu to be the Chairman of the Academic Research Committee advise and guide the Post Graduate (to start soon) and Research activities. Hewas kind enough accept. We are very much grateful for his generosity in helping us in all aspects. We are proposing the following Professors in the above academic research committee:


The management is planning to go for accreditation of the institution in the year 2022-2023. In this connection the required work is in progress.

Department Association activities:

EEE, ECE, CSE, AI & DS and MBA Department associations are functioning smoothly by conducting activities like Seminars, debates, group discussions and other cultural activities. Various competitions such as group discussions, quiz and seminars were conducted and prizes were distributed to the winners. Every effort will be made to improve the technical skills of the Students.The management to go for accreditation in the year 2022-2023.


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Copyright ssiet College 2015